Baby Lights Up After Seeing Mom Through Glasses

Leo Reppond was unable to see due to a rare condition.

— -- A baby recently diagnosed with a rare condition is now seeing the world for the first time.

The baby, Leopold Reppond, was recently outfitted with glasses after his diagnosis of oculocutaneous albinism, a condition that affects the coloring of the eyes, skin and hair, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Baby Leo’s dad, David Reppond, filmed the moment his son saw his mom, Erin Reppond, for the first time.

“When he finally did look up that second time and you see that recognition on his face, that’s a smile we just hadn’t really seen before,” Erin Reppond told ABC News. “He’s a pretty happy baby and he smiles and I feel like he generally is pretty happy but that smile was something that was so different for me to see.”

David Reppond, who lives with his family in Washington state, added that he used to let Leo see the world by touching things, including his dad’s beard.

The video of Leo lighting up at the sight of his mom has been viewed on Facebook more than 15,000 times.