Try as He Might, Baby Can't Stay Awake While Eating

OIiver wanted to keep eating, but sleep overtook him.

— -- They are two opposing forces: You’re hungry, but you’re also so tired. What to do?

Baby Oliver decided both was the only acceptable option.

The 13-month-old toddler was filmed by his parents Diane and Ryan Hartman at their home in Tucson, Arizona desperately trying to eat his food -- but struggling to stay awake long enough.

Oliver and his twin brother Ethan usually nap after lunch between noon and 3 p.m., but Oliver was too awake that day to fall asleep, Diane told ABC News.

While Ethan was napping away, Diane decided to give Oliver a cantaloupe and Ritz crackers with peanut butter snack, which is when his sleepiness finally caught up with him.

“He was dozing and eating for about five minutes before we started recording. Ryan, my stepmom and I were all dying laughing at how cute he was, especially since he’d been fighting napping all day,” Diane said. “We were trying so hard to contain our giggles in the background.”

After videoing the cute act for a few minutes, Ryan cleaned Oliver up and put him to bed where he slept blissfully full for the next few hours.