Vancouver Bar Garnishes Cocktail with Burger and Brownie

Checkmate Caesar features chicken, burger, hot dog ... and a brownie?!

If you’re not from the mystical land of hockey and maple syrup better known as Canada, you might not be familiar with the Caesar. Similar to a Bloody Mary in the States, Caesars typically contain vodka, tomato juice, clam juice, Worcestershire sauce, and hot sauce, and are generally garnished with celery and lime. It all makes for a pretty heavy meal of a drink. However, the folks at Score on Davie — known for their eccentrically garnished Caesars — have taken the concept of a meal drink to an entirely new level with their latest concoction: the appropriately named “Checkmate.”

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Past Score on Davie Caesar’s have included grilled cheese garnishes, chorizo sausage garnishes, chicken wing garnishes, and more. The Checkmate, however, puts its predecessors to shame. According to the sports bar’s website, one fully garnished, $60 cocktail includes roasted chicken, a burger, a pulled pork Sriracha-glazed slider, onion rings, chicken wings, a pulled pork mac & cheese hotdog, and, of course, a brownie for dessert.

“It seems hard to balance but it's actually pretty easy, we just use a few skewers and some techniques we've picked up with the heaped-high Caesars we already sell,” owner Jesse Ritchie told Eater, “And yes, you can drink it and it's delicious!"

Whether he means prior to or after the cornucopia of bar food on top remains unclear. You can check out the Checkmate, and all of Davie’s absurd, high-calorie creations over at Score on Davies website.

Adam D’Arpino is the Restaurants Editor at The Daily Meal. Follow him on Twitter  @AdamDArpino .