Why One Blogger Mom Says Parents Should Become More 'Average'

Ilana Wiles of the blog, "Mommy Shorts," discuss her new book on "GMA."

— -- One mom is advocating for a laid back approach to parenting, calling out “free-range” and “helicopter” parents and suggesting that moms and dads drop the labels and embrace being average.

She added: "I do it, I post perfect pictures."

Wiles suggests having low expectations and a selective memory, meaning taking the positive out of every parenting situation.

"I took my kids to the amusement park and we had a fabulous time the whole day and at the end, my oldest daughter flipped out because we were leaving," Wiles said. "She had a total meltdown and I can choose to remember that day as the meltdown that happened at the end or I can remember her beautiful smile when we were on the roller coaster for the first time and everything was great. It's kind of up to me what I take away from that day."

"The Mommy Shorts Guide to Remarkably Average Parenting" is out now.