Blogger Turns White Castle Slider into $400 Gourmet Burger

Just add add gold leaf, caviar, foie gras, truffles and more.

— -- There seems to be an unofficial formula to gourmet-ifying food: add gold leaf, caviar, foie gras, truffles and as many other very expensive ingredients as you possibly can.

Chipman, who had never had truffles before, thought “it would be hilarious if I bought these ridiculously priced truffles — the same ones that are used as an ingredient in some of the fanciest restaurant dishes in the world — and added them to a White Castle slider,” he wrote on his blog. “The idea sort of just spiraled out of control from there when I decided to combine the truffles with every other insanely expensive food I could think of to create the most expensive White Castle slider ever assembled.”

So how does a $400 single-bite burger taste?