Canadian Woman Dogsleds to Tim Hortons for Coffee in Snowstorm

Allyson Mitton hitched her two border collies to the sled for the coffee run.

— -- A Canadian woman took matters into her own hands last week when it seemed a snowstorm was going to stop her from getting coffee.

Allyson Mitton, who lives near Sussex, New Brunswick, hitched her two border collies, Shift and Braya, to a sled and rode with them more than two miles into town to get her morning fix.

"It was just a stormy day and what else can you do, be stuck inside?" Mitton told CTV Atlantic on Wednesday. "[The dogs] love to run and they don't care about the snow. So we just hauled out the dogsled and away we went to [Tim Hortons]."

Mitton told CTV she and her dogs received some strange looks once they arrived at the popular coffee chain.

"I heard one woman say something like, 'I don't think I've ever seen anything like this before in the drive-thru,'" Mitton said.

Mitton said the two dogs enjoyed some Timbits – Tim Hortons’ bite-size doughnuts – while she sipped her coffee before heading home.