Christmas Tree Trends to Put the Ho-Ho-Ho Back in the Holiday

The half-tree is hot this year.

Among the hottest trends this season is the "half Christmas tree," according to Wayfair, the online retailer of home furnishings and decor. These are trees that have been cut in half from top to bottom so they can be pushed up against a wall or a corner, a good option for those living in apartments.

The company said it has been selling the half trees since 2014 and has seen a 150 percent increase in orders this Christmas season.

Also on the hot list: colored Christmas trees. White trees have always had a place in retro home decor, but this season think baby blue, hot pink and even orange. Wayfair said sales are up 300 percent this year.

And while there will always be families who opt to visit the tree farm and cut down their own tree, live-tree delivery has become popular. Live-tree delivery services include Five Star Christmas Trees and, in California, the Living Christmas Company, which delivers the tree to you and then picks it up after the holidays. The tree then goes back to the nursery, where it continues growing until next year, enabling a family to have the same tree year after year.