Behind the Concealer: 7 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Makeup Mogul Bobbi Brown

There are successful makeup artists, and then there’s Bobbi Brown.

In the world of beauty, she’s practically a legend.

She made a name for herself in the 1980’s by encouraging women to be natural.

The cosmetics guru and mother of three boys has spent her career empowering women with her mantra “Be Pretty. Be confident. Be Who You Are.”

But being beautiful doesn't have to break the bank.

In an interview with ABC’s chief business and economics correspondent Rebecca Jarvis, Brown shared a few of her favorite at-home beauty remedies that you can find right in your kitchen.

“I like having warm water and lemon, once or twice a day. It's really good for you,” Brown explained.

“If your skin is oily, lemon is great, but lemon is also really good, if you have a dark spot from the sun, if you apply lemon every day, it'll lighten the spot,” said Brown.

“Lemon also will add highlights to your hair in the summer, if you have dark hair,” she added.

“For the lips, brown sugar and the honey together is the perfect lip scrub,” Brown told ABC News.

Here are 7 Secrets you probably don’t know about Bobbi Brown

1. #1 at Home Food Remedy?

Coconut oil

2. How Much Sleep does Bobbi Brown get?

She wakes up at 6:00 a.m. and gets 7 or 8 hours of sleep.

3. Worst Mistake People Make with Makeup?

"They wear makeup that is too dry for their skin," said Brown.

4. Bobbi Brown’s Least Favorite Makeup Trend.

"I hate contouring. Like any other trend, it'll be out. Get rid of the contouring brush unless you want to look like your face is dirt," said Brown.

5. Last Thing Bobbi Brown Bought Online?

6. Last Song Bobbi Brown Listened to on Her Phone?

7. Bobbi Brown's Biggest Piece of Advice to Admirers Wanting to Follow in Her Footsteps?

"Just don't listen to the rules. Make your own up," explained Brown.