Couple Announces Pregnancy With 'Labor Party' Candidate on Ballot

"It was a way to bring people together on such a hectic day," said the mom.

Dave and Melissa Houglum, of Scappoose, Oregon, posted a photo of their sonogram to Facebook with “Cast Your Vote for Baby Houglum #2” along the top with their unborn child waving an American flag while wearing a patriotic hat.

“We feel like a baby is a gift from God, and it brings new life and hope and change, including a lot of diaper changing, and we thought it would be a unique and exciting way to announce this good news,” mother-to-be Melissa Houglum told ABC News. “After such an intense campaign, it was a way to bring people together on such a hectic day for a positive, happy event.”

The timing of making the announcement on Election Day worked out perfectly for Melissa and her husband, Dave.

Their little bundle of joy is due on May 23, 2017. The happy parents are already prepared to have a future politician on their hands.

“He or she will be 35 in the year 2052, which is an election year, so you never know,” Melissa said, referring to the fact that the minimum age to run for president is 35.