Couple tells loved ones of plans to adopt 4 siblings in sweet video

"I wanted something I could always remember," said Tammy Waltz.

— -- A North Carolina couple has captured the hearts of their family and friends after announcing plans to adopt four siblings.

"I didn't want to do the typical, 'Hey guys, we're adopting' Facebook announcement," Tammy Waltz of Charlotte, North Carolina, told ABC News. "I wanted something I could always remember, and I wanted something that my kids remembered."

The couple acted as the kids' host family through Opens Hearts and Homes for Children, a nonprofit organization that help children in Eastern Europe experience life outside the institutional setting in American homes.

"We are thrilled that our program brought together this special family and these orphaned children and so excited for the impending adoption that will keep these children together," a spokeswoman from Opens Hearts and Homes wrote to ABC News in an email.

"They are so, so sweet. They're loving, extremely affectionate," Tammy Waltz said about the siblings. "They have their moments, but it doesn't deter us. They are awesome kids."

"After [Christmas] they came over for summer," she said, "It was soon after they left when we decided that we were going to adopt."

Starting in March, Waltz said, she began recording the reactions of her loved ones when they learned the couple decided to adopt the four siblings.

She showed the video to the children once it was completed.

"They were excited," Waltz recalled. "They had been asking us for quite a bit if we were going to do it, if they were going to stay with us forever."

Michelle Ziner, a friend of the Waltzes' and the North Carolina and South Carolina coordinator for Open Hearts and Homes for Children, appears in the adoption announcement video.

"You can tell there was a different relationship with everyone in that video," Ziner told ABC News. "I was thrilled because I saw them in action during our hosting and for a couple who had not parented before, they exhibited the most caring, gentle and kind yet firm parenting with the kids."

"When they came and were in the home, they operated like a [biological] family," she said. "I did not for a minute worry that they could not do it."

Waltz hopes the adoption can be finalized by early 2018.