Dad Creates Superhero Kids with Coffee Mugs

Anyone can become a superhero if Lance Curran is around.

— -- Anyone can become a superhero if Lance Curran is around. The father of two began a breakfast tradition a few years back that has now started a hashtag of its own.

“I was just eating breakfast one morning and happened to notice how my Joker mug lined up with my son’s head,” Curran told ABC News.

From there, he snapped the shot, hashtagged it #BreakfastMugShot, and has been taking them most Sunday mornings since.

“I’d get more mugs, and as I did, it just kept picking up steam,” he explained. His friends even started gifting him more to use in the shots. “People loved it from the start,” he said.

His kids included.

“They are tired of Daddy always taking pictures of them, but the mug shots they think are fun and they get into it.”

His 6-year-old daughter and 8-year-old son can be seen posing to get into the characters.

“We’re a huge comic book family. We read them weekly,” Curran said. “They love it.”