Dog Faints With Joy When Reunited With Owner

The Schnauzer had not seen his owner in two years

A 9-year-old schnauzer so excited to be reunited with her owner after two years that she fainted with joy has become a viral star.

The dog, Casey, is seen in a YouTube video uploaded by her owners barking with sheer joy at the sight of Rebecca Svetina, who was returning to her family’s Pennsylvania home for the first time in two years.

“She doesn’t bark, she squeaks just like a continuous squeak,” Miha Svetina, Rebecca’s husband, told ABC affiliate WTAE.

Casey’s squeaking soon gave way to a scare when the dog wobbled a bit and then passed out.

“We never expected her to pass out, but luckily she’s fine,” said Rebecca Svetina, who lives with her husband in Slovenia.

The Svetinas had returned to Pennsylvania to celebrate their wedding with Rebecca’s family, but instead found themselves dealing with Casey’s newfound fame.

The YouTube video of Casey squealing and then fainting has been viewed over 18 million times since being posted last Thursday.

“It's so genuine. It's so cute. There are so many things going on in the world. People are actually excited when they see something so nice and dogs are just awesome,” Miha Svetina told WTAE.