Dog's Disguises (And Wrinkles!) Are Too Irresistible For Words

Paddington the Shar Pei has gone viral for his elaborate outfits.

The irresistibly wrinkled dog gets decked out in costumes daily, like this one where he’s donning a white lab coat. Clearly Dr. Paddington can heal any cuteness-lacking ailment.

“I started popping doggy pajamas and sweaters on him as his has very fine hair and would often sit there shivering,” the dog’s owner, Annie Jacob, wrote to ABC News. “Paddington wearing something is normal in our house.”

And whether he’s working like a dog at the office...

Roaming around as a T-Rex...

Gearing up for Halloween...

Or giving you a huge smile,

At the end of the day he always curls up for a snuggle with his feline friend.

“He lives with 3 feline brothers and thinks he himself is also a cat, with many failed attempts to use the litter,” Annie wrote.