Extreme Pregnancy: 11 Stories

From 10 bananas a day to weightlifting and surfing, moms-to-be go extreme.

— -- intro: Many fit moms-to-be see no reason to switch up on their routine because there's a bun in the over. That's certainly true for Charlotte, North Carolina-based fitness guru Emily Breeze Ross Watson.

In addition to competing on her Crossfit team, which has been to the Crossfit Games for the past two years, she also hosts a twice-weekly boot camp with NFL legend Randy Moss. Though her baby's due April 29, she continues to lift weights and work out rigorously.

She has come under fire from critics, but her doctor, she told ABC News, is fully supportive. "I stand firmly in my belief that a healthy mommy will create a healthy baby! I also am excited that it creates buzz around fitness and breaking down old myths and wives tales with pregnancy,” she said.

And she doesn't plan to slow down once baby arrives: She and Moss will try to enter Guinness World Records May 14 for the largest boot camp in the world.

quicklist: 1title: Sophie Guidolintext: Australian fitness trainer Sophie Guidolin continued to lift weights even at 26 weeks pregnant with twins. She wrote on her Instagram "Woah. ... My weight training photo sparked some debate! I was not expecting that, however if that photo is what it takes to get people talking about exercise during pregnancy and the benefits then I am happy to spark up the topic. There are so many myths and old wives tales when it comes to pregnancy -- from early pregnancy until your baby becomes a toddler! However, if you have been given clearance from your medical practitioner to continue your exercise regime then I highly recommend you continue exercising for the health of yourself- and your babe (or babies!)" media: 31828429

quicklist: 2title: Bethany Hamiltontext: She just had her baby, but at six-months pregnant, Bethany Hamilton was a mom-to-be who sticking to her workout routine, bump and all. No doubt Hamilton's committed to riding the waves: she didn't even let a shark attack that took her arm when she was a teen stop her from getting up on her board. Her pregnancy workout routine reportedly includes up to five hours of surfing each day. But she's far from the only one: Here are eight more stories of moms taking pregnancy to the extreme. media: 29666818

quicklist: 5 title:Surfing Mom text: An Australian woman recently gained online attention after blogging about continuing to surf four days a week into her ninth month of pregnancy.

On Shesurfs.com, Kristi Olivares wrote that she had "been surfing for around four years and while I am definitely no expert, I have the confidence and ability to surf safely and competently in many types of conditions."

She adjusted her technique to accommodate a changing center of gravity and would often have friends carry her board for her, the new mom shared in the post. On the occasions that Olivares was thrown from her board, she said that she always made sure to tuck into a fetal position to protect her belly.media: 22320443

quicklist: 6 title: "Hot" Pregnancy text: An entire industry is catering to moms who want to "look hot" while pregnant, encouraging maternity athletic gear and pregnancy workout DVDs. READ: New Moms Rushing to Shed Post-Baby Weight: Is It Healthy?

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Women should check with their doctors before approaching any form of physical activity while pregnant. But some studies assert that moderate exercise can have a positive impact on the child's health. READ: Exercise During Pregnancy Can Boost Your Baby's Brain

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quicklist: 8title: Marathon Momtext: In the past, some women who have trained as athletes have had difficulty conceiving, due to the intense stress put on their bodies. READ: Female Athletes Are Too Fit to Get PregnantFor Trish Staine, the problem wasn't getting pregnant while training for a marathon. In fact, she simply didn't realize that she was. READ: Woman Training for Marathon Has Surprise Baby

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quicklist: 10title: Crossfit Moms text: If you are interested in pursuing a regular workout or sports activity while pregnant, consult with your physician before hopping on a pair of cross-country skis or signing up for a class at the gym. WATCH: Is CrossFit Safe for Pregnant Women?

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