Father Threatens to Cut Off Teens' Internet Access in Hilarious 'Taken'-Inspired Note

— -- Teenagers, beware: father Shane Labuzan knows how to hit you where it hurts, and he isn’t afraid to tell other parents about it.

“If you clean up your own kitchen mess, that’ll be the end of it,” the note read in part. “But if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you … and I will disconnect you.”

“I thought it would be more effective to take a different approach rather than the standard yelling at them,” he said. “I try to be more humorous. It’s more effective than ... drill sergeant all the time.”

Labuzan said his kids — ages 16, 18 and 20 — laughed when they saw the note, which worked for a while.

“Until I had to turn the Wi-Fi off because they left dirty dishes out and then they were grumpy,” he said. “So it as funny until it actually happened, and then it became serious.”

Labuzan, who is an electrical engineer, made sure to use the router to block computer and phone access so there was no getting around it.

“I encourage all parents to learn how to work their router,” he advised. “Once they’re disconnected, they get down and fix the problem.”