Girl Celebrates Third Birthday With Election Day Photo Shoot

“It’s just funny to make a positive spin on such a tough election."

— -- When your birthday falls on Election Day, you embrace it.

“My daughter has a really hilarious personality, obviously,” the birthday girl’s mom, Trish Gardini, told ABC News. “I thought she’d have some fun with this election birthday. I saw the Trump hat in a store and then I ordered the wig online, and then I borrowed the Hillary wig from a girlfriend of mine.”

The rest of the precious presidential photo shoot was up to Haizlee, who was “just excited to wear makeup,” said Trish, adding, however, that her daughter was a bit confused why the Clinton and Trump costumes both required makeup.

“I was putting bronzer on her for Trump,” Trish laughed.

Haizlee is getting lots of attention for her interpretation of the candidates.

“I never told her what to do in the pictures,” said Trish. “I just said, ‘Here’s what these people look like’ and the rest was all her.”

As for where the costumes came from, “The Trump suit we borrowed from a girlfriend who has boys,” her mom explained. “I couldn’t find a pantsuit for toddler girls, so we put her in a dress. We put some pearls on with the wig and some lipstick and she just took it the next level. She’s always a ham, but this is really something.”

Haizlee has never lived through a presidential election before, so visiting the polls with her mom after school today will be her first memory of the voting process.

“We want her to see what it’s all about,” Trish said. “She hasn’t been around for one so we figured we’d have a little fun with it.”

More than anything, the fun-loving mommy-daughter duo wanted to “spread a little positivity” this Election Day.

“It’s just funny to make a positive spin on such a tough election,” said Trish. “It makes everyone smile. Hopefully people will let something positive influence their day and they’re not disappointed if their candidate doesn’t win. Spread a little positivity. That’s what we were going for.”