3 Simple Hacks to Make Your Life Easier

How to cut a watermelon and handle car and baking disasters.

— -- “Life hacks” are simple solutions to everyday problems. What’s the best way to remove egg shells from a bowl of already broken eggs? Or to keep your car’s cup holder clean? Or to cube a watermelon?

James Igani, who’s known as the Watermelon Ninja, appeared live on the show to demonstrate his technique for cubing watermelon.

As for the solution to a messy and sticky car cup holder? Mother and blogger Holly Homer says you should place a paper cupcake mold into the cup holder as a protector.

Jesse Jacobs, a cooking enthusiast from Texas, has offered his YouTube viewers an easy way to remove eggshells from a bowl of eggs.

In his video, Jacobs attempts to use his finger to remove a shell fragment from a bowl of eggs, but the fragment keeps moving away from his finger. Then, he rinses his finger with warm water for a few seconds and uses the finger to easily remove the shell fragment.