Halloween Costumes You Wish You Had Thought Of

Why didn't you think of that?

— -- Just a few weeks ago until the Halloween and no doubt you've plenty of doubt about your planned costume. If you're the one who always ends up envying others' get ups and thinking, "I wish I thought of that!" the experts at Bestie have a few ideas to ensure yours is the costume everyone wished they'd been creative enough to think of.

The Robin Williams Tribute Costume

The unexpected death of one of the world's most beloved comedians was one of 2014's defining moments in pop culture. "The only question," said Gary Lipovetsky, Co-founder & Co-CEO at Bestie Inc., "is whether its too soon. But with costume choices ranging from a DIY Mrs. Doubtfire to a store-bought number that pays homage to his role as Peter Pan, the actor who appeared in more than 100 films leaves no shortage of ways for fans who want pay tribute a way to do just that this Halloween. And as long as its done respectfully, "it's fine," said Lipovetsky. Robin Williams tribute costumes came in at number two on Besties best-seller list for this Halloween, right behind Frozen-themed get ups.

"This was completely out of left field for me," admitted Lipovetsky, who said that while condiment costumes like ketchup and mustard are always popular, this particular bottle of hot sauce didn't come on his radar until it became this year's third-most-popular costume choice. With the temporary closing of a Sriracha factory earlier this year and even a green version hitting the market, there's plenty of inspiration for trick-or-treaters to spice it up this Halloween.

The Ice Bucket Challenge

If all the posts in your Facebook feed didn't make you swear off anything ice-bucket related for all eternity, this is the costume for you. The best part of this costume is that you don't need to walk around dumping ice-cold water over your head all night long.

Nevermind the fact that the sexy school girl costume has been done to death over the last decade. According to Lipovetsky, this costume actually has some pop culture significance this year. "People who are really into socializing and the nightclub scene love putting on a pair of geeky glasses with their trendy clothes and taking selfies to post to Instagram. That's where this is going -- well-dressed style with a pair of geeky glasses." Bonus: If you happen to be well-dressed in real life, this one will be easy to pull off at the last minute. Go around snapping selfies all night too.