Husband’s Sweet Post About Hardworking Wife Liked by 600k Facebook Users

Bobby Wesson said he never expected his post to go viral.

— -- When Bobby Wesson walked into the room where his wife Rayena was taking a nap with their young son on Nov. 7, he couldn't help but be in awe. The Alabama husband went on Facebook to praise his wife's hard work as a trauma nurse and mom, calling her "a hero." He also snapped a photo of Rayena and their toddler.

More than 600,000 Facebook users have "liked" the image. The Wessons, who live in Birmingham, Ala., are stunned that the picture went viral.

"It's been surreal; I wrote that post for an audience of one," Bobby told ABC News. "We were just been blown away by how far this thing has reached."

Rayena thought the post was very sweet, telling ABC News that her husband "just loves me and is one of those guys who goes out of his way to show his appreciation for me."

Working as a trauma nurse is not an easy job, Bobby said. His wife's passion for nursing inspires him, he added.

"I'm not a medical professional but I'm the world's foremost expert on my wife and I know she cares a lot," he said. "She counts it as a blessing, she's happy to be a part of that. This is a calling for her."