5 Instant Kraft Mac and Cheese Upgrades

Deep-fried macaroni and cheese bites? Yes, please.

— -- Deep-Fried Macaroni and Cheese Bites . File macaroni and cheese under “fry-able.” Roll cooked mac and cheese into single-serving fried bites and serve this at every possible opportunity.
Fried Mac and Cheese

BBQ Chicken Mac and Cheese . Make macaroni and cheese into a full meal by adding some protein. Kids love the flavor of barbecue sauce mixed into this classic dish, and you’ll love how easy it is to make.
Barbecue Sauce Mac and Cheese
(Credit: Shutterstock)

Mac and Cheese-Stuffed Burger . Two comfort food powerhouses combine to make an unstoppable force. Let the haters hate as you dig into this feast.
Burger Stuffed with Mac and Cheese
(Credit: flickr/Matt MacGillivray)

Stuffed Mac and Cheese Nacho Dumplings . It’s like all of your favorite late-night snacks got together and had a party in your mouth. And yes, it’s seasoned with Cool Ranch Doritos.
Mac and Cheese Dumplings
(Credit: Shutterstock)

Mac and Cheese Pizza Casserole. Partially cook the noodles and mix in browned ground beef, pepperoni and shredded mozzarella. Top it all with more cheese and pepperoni, then bake until bubbly and warmed through.
Mac and Cheese Pizza Casserole
(Credit: Shutterstock)

Julie Ruggirello is the Recipe Editor at The Daily Meal. Follow her on Twitter @TDMRecipeEditor .