Man poses with his cat for professional portraits

His friends and family thought they looked more like engagement photos.

— -- Andrew Wroble of Colleyville, Texas, took professional photos with his cat Charlie as the purr-fect Mother's Day gift.

"I really love my cat and so I wanted pictures of him ... and I also didn’t have a Mother’s Day gift," Wroble, 21, told ABC News. "I was like, 'Oh, I have Groupon credit that expires in a day and so I had to spend it that day or lose the $13 dollars.' It was for a J.C. Penney free studio portrait session and canvas print so I thought, 'Perfect. I’ll do that. I’ll give the canvas print to my mom for Mother’s Day.'"

The hilarious pictures with his 1-year-old Russian Blue mix cat turned out so well that his friends and family thought they looked more like engagement pictures than just a funny photo shoot.

"My mom thought it was funny and it’s on her desk now," said the recent University of Texas at Austin graduate. "I was with my whole extended family because I gave it to her at my graduation party. They were like, ‘Oh my God, it looks like you’re engaged to your cat. They thought it was hilarious.”

Wroble posted the photos to Reddit where they’ve racked up nearly 700,000 views in just two days.

He’s not quite sure how he’ll top these photos in the future, or if he’ll even try.

"I don't really have any plans to top it, but I definitely could," Wroble proudly said. "People suggested doing outfits for the cat. I’m down to do it, but I guess we’ll just have to wait for another Groupon."