'Mom Hair' Article Sparks Online Outrage Among Critics Calling it 'Mom Shaming'

Some moms are criticizing a New York Times article, calling it "mommy shaming."

— -- A recent article about so-called "Mom Hair" is sparking an online firestorm in the mommy blogosphere.

Ashley Austrew, a mother from Omaha, Nebraska, wrote a post on the blog, Scary Mommy, an online community for parents, criticizing the article for its condescending remarks and calling it mommy shaming.

"I don't know about you but I'm sick of having the word 'mom' continually used as a synonym for uncool, unflattering, unhip and sexless," Austrew wrote.

Robi Ludwig, a psychotherapist in New York City and author of "Your Best Age is Now," says she often sees mothers face societal stereotypes.

"Just because somebody has a baby, it doesn’t mean that they don’t wanna look good, that they don’t wanna look glamorous, and, if they don’t hit the mark right away, it’s an evolutionary process," she said.

She said shaming particular looks is unnecessary, especially when what really matters is having a haircut that makes a woman feel good about herself.