Like Parent App: Does it Work? You Decide

It says my daughter looks more like my husband than me. Do you agree?

— -- Since the day my daughter was born, I've heard how much she looks like my husband.

I once asked my brother, "Do you really think she looks more like Ryan than me?"

He said, "Do you really, want to know?"

I did.

"I have never seen a child look so much like one parent before in my life," he said.

Now my husband's very handsome, but everyone wants to hear their kid looks like them. So when I heard about the Like Parent app, I had to give it a try.

Chances are you've seen Like Parent results blowing up your social media feed this week, too, and maybe tried it out. Surely, I thought, the app will see what I see: My daughter, Adelaide, is a mini me.

So I worked with what I had. Here's what it looked like:

Turns out Like Parent agrees with every single person we know. She looks more like Ryan.

But I'm willing to give this one more shot -- and show you three photos of us that I think are a better representation than what I could find on my phone. So, readers, you decide: Was Like Parent right?