Parents Capture Toddler's Prayer on Baby Monitor

Kathryn Whitt recorded her daughter praying an hour after putting her to bed.

— -- Two South Carolina parents are reveling in the positive responses they're receiving after sharing an adorable video of their toddler daughter counting her blessings.

Kathryn Whitt of Seneca, South Carolina, told ABC News that she and her husband Caleb discovered 2-year-old Sutton praying over the monitor on Jan. 24 -- about one hour after putting her down for the night.

"She never forgets anybody's name," Whitt said. She's so sweet and kind-hearted. That’s just the type of person she is. And this video is jut a way to see that. It shows her heart works."

Whitt said that she and Caleb had been teaching Sutton how to recite her nightly prayers after their bedtime story ritual.

But this past Sunday, Whitt and her husband forgot to count their blessings with Sutton.

"We didn’t do the prayers and didn’t think anything of it," Whitt said. "We then heard on the monitor that she just decided to do them on her own. We were amazed by it because she usually rushes through the prayers. We’ll have to say 'OK Sutton, say thank you for this person and that person,' but as you see on the video, she was naming everybody."

The toddler went to sleep after concluding her prayer with "Amen."

Since sharing it on Facebook Sunday, the video has racked up over 168,000 views.

"We’re overwhelmed, but we are definitely enjoying it," Whitt said. "We’ve already received so many emails and messages from people saying how this video has touched their lives."