Stop in the Name of Love! Police Officer Proposes to Partner During London Pride Parade
The officer broke from the parade to surprise his partner.
-- Love is love is love.
That sentiment couldn’t have been truer at London’s Pride Parade on June 25 when a Metropolitan Police officer broke formation to surprise his partner in the audience by popping the question.
The touching moment was caught on camera as the officer makes his way over to the metal barriers, gets down on one knee in front of his partner and asks for his hand in marriage.
“He said yes,” Ben May captioned his heartwarming video, which now has more than 110,000 views.
Onlookers were just as excited as the love birds were, recording the proposal on their phones and cheering them on with confetti popping into the air.
The two embraced for a long hug before kissing and toasting with champagne.
But they weren’t the only ones spreading the love at the parade that day.
Two more of London’s Metropolitan Police officers got engaged in honor of the joyous occasion.
Their coworkers tweeted the good news using the hashtag #policewithpride to support their fellow officers’ exciting news.