Powerball Jackpot: How to Spend the $380 Million Grand Prize

Time for your own submarine and a visit to the ice hotel.

While the odds of winning are 1 in 175 million, someone always eventually wins. If you're that lucky person. here are a few of the most outlandish things that a giant real jackpot can buy.

  • A Personal Submarine Fleet
  • The Triton personal submarine starts at $2.2 million according to Forbes. At that price you can amass your own fleet of 116 subs to explore the oceans.

  • A Frozen Luxury Vacation at Sweden's Ice Hotel
  • If you never want to leave and spent all of your winnings on the most deluxe option, you could spend approximately 50,703 nights enjoying specially made lavish suits and a 10-course tasting menu. That's 138 years spent in icy luxury.

  • Be the King of Westeros on Your Own Iron Throne
  • If that's not enough, the $256.8 million is enough to buy 8,560 thrones, enough thrones that they could be stacked together to build your own wilding-proof iron wall.

  • VIP Oscar Party Guest
  • Millions of Roses
  • A winning jackpot could buy 6.4 million bouquets of a dozen red roses each from FTD.com.

  • L.L. Bean Boots
  • These boots may not be as lavish as a personal submarine, but the coveted footwear can be a lifesaver for anyone navigating snow drifts and freezing temperatures.

    While the well-made boots are designed to last, you could also use your winnings to buy 2,355,963.30 boots. Basically you could wear a different pair of boots every single day for the rest of your life.

  • The Most Expensive Painting Sold at Auction
  • But with a $256.8 million already in hand, you've only got to save another 43.2 million to beat the rumored record.

  • Millions of Tons of Tiny Sweetheart Candies
  • The winnings could buy 64.2 million one-pound bags of the candy at $4 a bag. That means you could get 31,000 tons of tiny sugar hearts.