Quintuplet Siblings All Employed at Same McDonald's

Leith, Lauren, Logan, Lindsey and Lucas Curtis,18, are part-time employees.

Leith, Lauren, Logan, Lindsey and Lucas Curtis, arrived in that order on Feb. 20, 1998.

The now-18-year-old high school seniors are all part-time employees at the same McDonald's location in Potterville.

"The first two came on a little over a year ago and when I interviewed [Lucas], he talked about the fact that he was a quintuplet," Renee Draves, the McDonald's owner and operator, told ABC News. "They've been able to train each other, They're phenomenal. The thing that's so impressive about them is just how positive their attitudes are and how well they're working together."

She added: "To see the way these siblings get along is amazing."

Lucas was hired last year followed by his sister Lauren, and the other three came on about six months later.

The siblings work the front counter, in the kitchen and maintain the cleanliness of the restaurant lobby, Draves said.

All five teens share one car and drive one another to work, unless mom Lori and dad Leith are helping out on the weekends.

"It's been an experience and a challenge with the different personalities," Lori Curtis of Dimondale, Michigan told ABC News of her children. "It's just been fun."

Curtis said her quintuplets are working to save up for their college educations next fall.