Sam Champion 'Surprise' Skypes With Ginger Zee

Zee says her sleep schedule with Adrian is just like getting up early for "GMA."

— -- While Ginger Zee’s away, Sam Champion will play.

“Ginger was nice enough to give me a phone call and say, ‘Hey Sam, do you mind getting up at a ridiculous hour every day and filling in for me while I’m taking care of the baby at home?'” Champion explained. “And so I thought we’d give her an ambush Skype.”

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The new mom was holding little Adrian, who she said was making faces just for us. When Champion asked what time Zee’s baby boy woke up this morning, she explained it was just like her normal sleepless routine for “GMA.”

“He does every three to four hours overnight, so it’s just like sleeping for ‘GMA.’ It’s the exact same thing,” she joked.

Champion also warned Zee he “was going to mess everything up” in her dressing room while she’s away because she’s “so incredibly organized,” compared to how untidy he used to be.

All kidding aside, Champion assured her that “everything was going well” and he’s “only messed up a few things this morning.”