Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Turned Into a Smoking Halloween Costume

Chris Kiley's costume has received millions of views online.

The Note 7s were first under an exchange program and then recalled after multiple reports of the smartphones overheating and exploding while charging. When reports surfaced of similar incidents with the replacements, Samsung permanently halted production on the model and the FAA banned them from flights to, from or within the U.S.

“There was so much misinformation and unclear information about what to do,” Kiley said of Samsung's response. “So it's topical and when the idea came to me with the vaporizer I thought, ‘Oh that would be amazing.’”

To make his costume, Kiley collected a handful of discarded Note 7 boxes. He drilled holes into the boxes and then used hot glue to attach about six of them onto an old t-shirt.

He used connectors to split plastic tubing into the different Note 7 boxes on his shirt. The tubing then goes up to his mouth and he can create smoke by exhaling into the tube.

A Facebook video Kiley posted of his costume has received more than 2.5 million views since Friday.

"Overall, people get it for the lighthearted joke that it is," he said about the huge response. "Samsung does normally make a good phone so it’s not really punching down."

He said he thinks the company can handle the joke. "They’re on top, so they can take a little bit of ribbing."

Samsung is telling customers they can exchange their Galaxy Note7 phones for another Samsung smartphone, or receive a refund.

Kiley said the idea of creating a smoking Note 7 costume also appealed to him because he was looking for a couple’s costume. His fiancé now plans to dress up as a firefighter.

"The costume hasn’t left my room since I made it but now I’m looking at some costume contests," he said.