Secrets to Financial Infidelity: When Your Spouse Hides Money or Purchases

New study shows millions of Americans are hiding financial transactions.

— -- When it comes to cheating in marriage there’s the emotional and physical kind that immediately comes to mind, and then there’s the financial kind.

A new study by says millions of married Americans are guilty of committing financial infidelity. Some seven million Americans have a secret bank account or credit card account that their spouses know nothing about -- and most of those doing the hiding are men, according to the study.

Robert Neill has been a secret saver for nearly 20 years, stashing overtime money he made behind his wife’s back.

“Winnie didn’t know how much I was bringing home,” said Robert. “I just told her, ‘Boy the taxes were really, really tough.’”

But Winnie has been a secret spender herself. One of her biggest hidden splurges was their living room furniture.

“I should have been more upfront in saying, ‘OK, what’s our budget?’”

Financial expert Kimberly Foss said financial infidelity is more common than people think, and if anything, it’s on the rise.

“Red flags that I look for [are] missing or misdirected financial statements and of course, the obvious one is if there’s missing cash in the accounts,” explained Foss, president and founder of Empyrion Wealth Management.

“If you’re going to have split accounts, you just have to have good communication,” said Matthew.

“I think it just comes down to ... we both have a respect for each other,” Stephanie added.

For those who plan on keeping their savings and spending a secret from their spouse, however, Winnie Neill offers a warning.

“It will always come back to bite you in the back side,” she said.