Sexy Red Sweater Halloween Costume Inspired by Presidential Debate Star Ken Bone Sells Out

Bone became the surprise breakout star of the second 2016 presidential debate.

Clothing retailer quickly acted on Bone’s unexpected fame by creating a “Sexy Undecided Voter Costume” that is already out of stock on its website less than one week after the debate.

The $99.95 costume for women features a much lower-cut and crop-top version of Bone’s red sweater with a white collared shirt underneath, along with black pants, a fake microphone and black glasses and a black stick-on mustache to match Bone’s look. writes on its website the undecided voter is “the most lovable political enthusiast of the 2016 election season!”

More stock of the costume is expected to arrive today for for immediate purchase, a spokeswoman told ABC News.

The company's founder and CEO, Chad Horstman, said the idea for the costume came because the company tries to "stay on top of what's hot in the news and the pop culture world."

"Ken Bone was everywhere following the debate and because his look is so iconic and recognizable we were able to come up with something quickly that is also fun and fashionable and represents the Yandy brand," Horstman said in a statement.

The real version of Bone’s red Izod sweater was also popular on Amazon, where every size from small to extra large was sold out by Monday afternoon.

Izod also tweeted about the undecided voter’s choice of attire.