'Babe' Lincoln statue steaming up the Windy City
The 16th U.S. president is depicted with a half-buttoned shirt in the statue.
-- Honest Abe as an honest babe?
A statue in Chicago is depicting the 16th president of the U.S. in a new light, as a young man with flowing hair, a half-buttoned shirt and muscular arms.
The 9-foot bronze statue, created by artist Charles Keck in 1945, on Chicago’s North Side is turning heads and generating delightful comments on the internet.
“Hubba hubba,” Angelique McDondald wrote on WLS-TV’s Facebook page.
“Baberaham Lincoln,” another person commented.
Lincoln is ranked by scholars as one of the country's greatest presidents, but according to ABC station WLS-TV, no photos exist of what he looked like in his earlier years so the sculptor had to imagine him as a young man.