More Cheers as Tara the Hero Cat Throws Out 1st Pitch

Tara the hero cat applauded for second time in two weeks.

May 21, 2014 — -- The cheers keep coming for Tara the tabby cat: Last week, she was seen saving her owner's 4-year-old son from an attack by a neighborhood dog. Last night, she and the boy threw out the first pitches at a minor league baseball game.

The crowd cheered as the boy, Jeremy Triantafilo of Bakersfield, California, threw the very first pitch at the Bakersfield Blaze game.

Then Tara stepped up, held by Jeremy's father, Roger Triantafilo.

At first, Tara's attempts to throw out a pitch by swatting a ball guided by a string failed. So Roger Triantafilo simply grabbed a ball and guided Tara's paw. As the pitch sailed, the crowd cheered.

Tara shot to fame by going berserk on a neighborhood dog attacking Jeremy.

As the dog bit the boy's leg, Tara was seen on a viral video coming out of nowhere and hurling her body at the dog, disrupting the attack and chasing the dog away.

See the Video: Cat Saves Boy