3 Quirky Thanksgiving Desserts to Wow Guests

TastingTable.com's quirky yet crowd-pleasing recipes sure to wow guests.

Nov. 25, 2013 -- intro: There's nothing wrong with classic holiday desserts like pumpkin or apple pie, but why not experiment a little this Thanksgiving? TastingTable.com has developed quirky yet crowd-pleasing recipes that are sure to wow guests. Click through for three fun and different dessert recipes.

quicklist:1title: Thanksgiving Baked Alaskaurl: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/recipe/thanksgiving-baked-alaska-recipe-tasting-table-20985524 text: Baked Alaska always makes a statement, and this one is perfect for the holiday with pumpkin flavors.media: 20985523

quicklist:2title: Thanksgiving Pumpkin Cheesecake Trifleurl: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/recipe/thanksgiving-pumpkin-cheesecake-trifle-recipe-tasting-table-20985617 text: A trifle is one of those deceiving desserts that looks absolutely gorgeous, but is a cinch to make.media: 20985472

quicklist:3title: No-Bake, Mini-Pie Buffeturl: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/recipe/bake-mini-pie-buffet-recipe-tasting-table-20985726 text: Rather than force your guests to choose from just one or two pies, set up this interactive mini-pie buffet, and let everyone join in on the fun.

Recipes courtesy TastingTable.com.media: 20985671