Taylor Swift's 6-Year-Old Super Fan Dresses Exactly Like Her

Lilly Neizert, of Huntington Beach, California, mimics all the star's looks.

Tiny T-Swift super fan Lilly Neizert, of Huntington Beach, California, has been obsessed with the Grammy award-winning singer ever since the “Shake It Off” video was released.

“A couple years ago when ‘Shake It Off’ came out I really loved it," Lilly’s mom, Sara, told ABC News. "Every night, we’d go on Apple TV on Vimeo and watch it and dance.”

“She really loved it, so we would go on YouTube and watch all her videos,” she added.

It wasn’t long before the little girl was asking to dress like Swift. Her parents agreed, within reason.

“I modify the outfits if they’re super inappropriate for kids,” said Sara. “I don’t want her to have such a tiny little top or plunging neckline.”

“We let her pick out which pictures she wants to do, but we have to approve,” her mom explained. “We’d post them on Tuesdays and all our friends and family just loved it.

"There was one week Lilly was sick and we didn’t do it and I got all these messages from people wondering where Lilly’s Taylor Tuesday was," Sara added. "I’m never going to force her to do it, though. And some days she’ll want to dress up but not take a picture so we don’t force it.”

As soon as Lilly saw Swift with her new short hairdo at the Grammy’s, the little girl was eager to get the same haircut, too.

“She got her hair cut just like Taylor Swift about a week after the Grammys,” said Sara. “She wanted to wear the dress so we got the fabric and I threw something together.”

The fun-loving family has had to scale back the weekly postings due to Lilly’s homework and other activities, but still plan on posting the photos as much as possible.

Lilly has her sights on loftier Swift-inspired goals now, too.

But that hasn't stopped Lilly from performing.

“I got her guitar strap so she could stand up and do it," said Sara. "She has a ‘Frozen’ microphone and she’ll give us little concerts.”