Teenage Girl With Cancer is Surprised by Kind Gesture From Her Homecoming Date

The Tennessee student is being called a "class act."

— -- A Tennessee teenager had a very memorable Homecoming dance, thanks to the thoughtfulness of her date.

Allie Allen of Collierville, Tennessee was shocked to see that her date, Brayden Carpenter, shaved his head in support of Allen's battle with brain cancer.

"Its easy for some people to say “it’s just hair” but its hard when you’re a teenage girl," wrote Allen. "I’ve always been attached to my hair."

Carpenter, a senior at Collierville High School, invited Allen to his school's homecoming dance. The two friends have known either other since the sixth grade.

According to Carpenter's mother, Carpenter decided to shave his head "the day he found out she lost hers."

Allen's mother, Debbi Allen, said that Brayden shaved his head prior to the dance so that Allie would feel comfortable, and that her daughter was completely surprised by Brayden's kind gesture of support.

"Allie had no clue until he showed up," Debbi said. "Now that is class!"

The Collierville High School posted a photo of the two teens, and called Carpenter a "class act."

Allie is currently fighting her second round of cancer. She was first diagnosed in January of 2013.