Tiny Hamsters Go On a Tiny Date, Valentine's Day Edition

"50 Shades of Grey" has just been upstaged by some very tiny creatures.

In the latest edition of tiny hamsters eating tiny things on video, we have a love connection fueled by quinoa meatballs and some “Lady and the Tramp”-style spaghetti moments. Here’s everything you need to know.

It starts with a romantic gondola ride.

Nothing sets the scene for true tiny love like a slow ride down a construction paper canal pulled by a string.

They share their first kiss!

The scene was so romantic, in fact, that the two lovebirds couldn’t resist a pre-dinner kiss.

There's a rose bud appetizer

When you’re a tiny hamster, tiny flowers are for more than just ambience. Turns out they make a great app.

Follow by some meatball munching ...

Our tiny friends dug into not-so-tiny red quinoa meatballs for their main course.

... and spaghetti slurping.

Followed by some "Lady and the Tramp”-style spaghetti. Never underestimate the capacity of a tiny hamster’s mouth.

All in all, it was a tiny success!

They found love in a tiny place.

If -– like us –- you just can’t get enough tiny hamsters, Simon and Schuster just announced they’re releasing a picture book of tiny hamsters in June titled, “Tiny Hamster Is a Giant Monster.” It’s sure to be a real page-turner.

Watch the full video below: