Toddler Has Hilarious Reaction to Mom's Hair Dryer

The 14-month-old couldn't get enough of the dryer.

— -- Blow-drying one’s hair is a chore for most women, but for at least one toddler it is a hilariously magical adventure.

The toddler, 14-month-old Logan Birgel, was caught on camera enjoying the after-effects of his mom, Alyse Birgel, blow-drying her hair.

The video shows Logan with a huge grin on his face practically shrieking in the excitement at the feeling of the air on his face and hair.

Birgel told ABC News she was blow-drying her hair Tuesday in her New York City apartment when her husband, Andrew, pointed out Logan’s excitement. She then switched the hair dryer to cold air and let Logan have at it.

Watch the video above to see the adorable result.