Former Track Runners Create Amazing Photo Shoot to Announce Baby

Maryland couple Kristina and Sam Sesay's maternity shoot went the distance.

— -- A Maryland couple, who ran track in high school, decided to create an "athletic-inspired" photo shoot to honor their love of the sport.

One caption read, "Your parents are waiting for you right at the finish line. June 18th can't come soon enough."

The photos have caused a sensation, the Sesays told ABC News.

"My mom thought it was photoshopped," Kristina Sesay, 30, said with a laugh.

"Track has taught me so much and really prepared me for life," he said. "The pictures meant so much more than just pictures because all of the life lessons I learned through track, I'm now going to impart them to our child. Everything came full circle.

"[Track] taught me simple things like you have to stay in your lane. You can't look to your left and your right. You have to run your race and not worry about your competitors. Track taught me not to look back and focus on what's ahead of you because the second you look back you'll get sidetracked," he said.

"It also taught me how to deal with defeat. In life bad things happen, but just competing in sports, you really learn [to say], 'I'm not going to be undefeated,'" he said.

Although the couple is keeping mum on the baby's sex, the Sesays said they're looking forward to meeting him or her.

"I'm just looking forward to nurturing whatever gift that they have," Sam said. "Just like our parents nurtured us and took us all these different places and really put us in a position to succeed."