Watch Curious Bear Examine Photographer's Camera
The bear stood on its two hind legs to check out the camera
-- A bear in British Columbia who saw a human, a car and a camera on a tripod in his way went right for the camera -- and it was all captured on video.
The human with the camera, Jim Lawrence, set up his equipment in British Columbia earlier this month to photograph the bear as it fished in a nearby river.
When the bear emerged from the river, it saw Lawrence’s tripod set up with his camera on top and stood up on its hind two legs to check it out.
“The big fellow took time out from fishing to see what I found so interesting in the back of the camera,” Lawrence wrote on Facebook, where he posted the photo Nov. 1. “He thoughtfully studied the many buttons and screen for the longest time.”
The photo quickly went viral and on Tuesday another photographer who was there with Lawrence posted a video to YouTube that shows what happened before and after the photograph was taken.
In the two-minute video, the bear can be seen pacing around a dirt path and not getting to close to either the camera or Lawrence, who can be seen holding a different camera next to his car just a few feet away.
The bear finally approaches the camera and stands up on its two hind legs to inspect it, only being scared away when it touches the camera with one of its front paws, causing the camera to tilt down.
Appearing a bit spooked, the bear then scampers back into the woods.
The woman who posted the video, Heidi Henke, told The Huffington Post B.C. that she was with another wildlife photographer, Dianne Ethier, watching it all unfold in the background.
It was Ethier, according to Henke, who recorded the video.
“It shows the whole thing," Henke told the website of the video. "It was pretty cool."