Watch this elderly German couple get down on the dance floor

Nellia and Dietmar Ehrentraut are going viral online.

— -- Here is one German couple who love the dance floor. And although they've gotten up in age, they've still got the moves.

Nellia and Dietmar Ehrentraut are going viral online thanks to their stellar dance moves.

The two, married since 1970, told ABC News, "We still have a lot of fun."

According to the couple's website, Nellia, 64, and Deitmar, 70, have been dancing for more than 30 years.

They particularly love dances from the 40s and 50s, such as swing, the jitterbug and the Lindy.

And the Ehrentrauts don't just dance for fun. They've competed and won several dancing competitions, according to their site.