Wine in a Paint Can? Yes, Really!

Lithuania releases Beaujolais Nouveau in unusual container.

April 18, 2014— -- Beaujolais Nouveau has long suffered an unflattering comparison to paint thinner for its bright, cidery aromas that fly in the face of soft, juicy Merlot or peppery Cabernet Sauvignon.

But a European ad agency has turned that association on its head with some striking new packaging -- a paint can, of course.

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Each year, McCann Vilnius, the oldest ad agency in Lithuania, creates a limited-edition packaging design for the latest Beaujolais Nouveau vintage. For 2014, the agency chose to wink at the fact that too much red wine can stain one's teeth and released "Couleur Nouveau" in a purple paint tin.

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A color chart on the back of the can even indicates the shade your teeth will turn depending on how many glasses of wine are consumed.

But with the stunt-marketing vessel only available in limited quantities, many may purchase them for sheer conversation pieces rather than actually imbibing.