Convicted Pedophile Tells Story

March 29, 2006 -- -- On April 15, 2002, following his arrest on child sexual abuse charges, Frank Jones Jr., then the head counselor for the Boys Choir of Harlem and it's public school project, the Choir Academy of Harlem, was interviewed on videotape by New York law enforcement authorities. Jones, who worked for the Boys Choir of Harlem for more than twenty years was later convicted for sexually abusing a 12 year-old student and choir boy for a period of more than two years.

Jones' role in the school and the Boys Choir of Harlem over many years brought him into close contact with hundreds of children. In addition to being director of counseling, Jones was also the resident director of the Choir's summer camp and chaperone for the Choir's performance tours. In this tape, Jones gives authorities an explanation for his conduct toward the boy, admitting to "crossing the line" of professionalism, but denying any intentional wrongdoing. His justifications represent a fascinating glimpse into the mind of a pedophile.