Who Will Top the Charts in Tennessee?

— -- Tennessee has 11 electoral votes up for grabs, but which presidential candidate will make it to the top of the charts -- and which one will be singing the blues after Nov. 4?

Tennessee has danced with both the Republican and Democratic parties in the most recent presidential elections, going blue for Bill Clinton in 1992 and 1996, but red for George W. Bush in both 2000 and 2004.

Al Gore probably doesn't want to remember that 2000 race -- after consecutive wins with his name on the ticket as Clinton's vice president, Tennessee spurned its native son.

Obama and McCain might be singing Don't Be Cruel to Tennessee voters, after they picked Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary and Republicans chose former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee in their contest.

Former Tennessee Republican Sen. Fred Thompson met a similar fate as Gore when he came in fifth in the state's Republican primary.

Will Tennessee be All Shook Up in 2008? Check back as ABC News hits all the high notes in the Volunteer State.