Clinton on Obama's Fight for Her Supporters and the Palin Pick

— -- In an exclusive interview with Good Morning America Tuesday, Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., said the underlying problems of the current financial crisis have not yet been addressed and that Sen. Barack Obama is doing what he needs to do on the trail to attract the 17 percent of her supporters threatening to vote for Sen. John McCain.

On the 20 point swing among white women voters from Obama to McCain

"Well, we have close elections -- that is part of modern American politics - and I always thought this would be a close election. I believe with all my heart we are going to win this election and I am doing all I can to try to make the case that after the 8 years we've seen and the crisis after crisis that we have watched under this president and the Republican policies, we sure don't want to reward that and we need new leadership and we need the kind of changes that will work for America."

On Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill's recent comments to ABC News' George Stephanopoulos that McCain's age and health made Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin a dangerous vice presidential pick:

"We need to keep focused on the differences between the Republicans and the Democrats. This goes way beyond any one candidate - it's really about the future that we have to fight for."