Bachmann to endorse Romney, plus more to watch for Thursday in politics

— -- Michele Bachmann is set to endorse Mitt Romney on Thursday at a joint appearance in Portsmouth, Va.

It will be interesting to see what she says. ABC News' Jonathan Karl reports that shortly before she ended her campaign, Bachmann told him that there was no way Romney could beat President Barack Obama.

Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell also will be at the Portsmouth event with Romney. He has been mentioned as a VP possibility.

If you are conducting a Ron Paul watch, you'll find him campaigning Thursday in California. He has a luncheon in Sacramento and a "Youth for Ron Paul" town hall meeting at the University of California-Davis.

President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama will host a Cinco de Mayo reception this afternoon at the White House.

And then there is this: The John Edwards trial will enter its ninth day. There could be more sordid testimony — and more tears.

Sources: Yahoo! News, ABC News, Associated Press

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