Chris Christie on VP possibility: ‘I don't expect to be asked'

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New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a possible vice presidential contender, repeated Monday that he does not expect to be the one Mitt Romney chooses when he announces his decision before the Republican National Convention in August.

The New Jersey Star-Ledger reports from Manasquan:

"As I've said all along, I don't expect to be asked because, I don't know, do I look like a vice president?" the governor said, prompting a crowd in Manasquan — the first in a series of beachside events this summer — to shout: "Yes!"


  • Arrogant - 75 voters;
  • Tough - 50 voters;
  • Honest - 43 voters;
  • Good - 41 voters;
  • Aggressive - 38 voters.
  • "As I've said all along, I don't expect to be asked because, I don't know, do I look like a vice president?" the governor said, prompting a crowd in Manasquan — the first in a series of beachside events this summer — to shout: "Yes!"

    "I hope that whoever Gov. Romney picks he doesn't pick someone who's about politics, the state they live in or anything else, that he picks someone who he believes is qualified to be president of the United States if something were to happen to him and they would need to step in," he said. "I hope he picks someone who will be a full partner in governing with him."

    Since he became governor in 2011, Christie's in-your-face style style has made him a national figure. Christie remains popular in New Jersey, earning a 54 percent approval rating among New Jersey voters, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday. The poll, which surveyed 1,623 registered voters between July 9 - 15 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.4 percentage points, found that 50 percent considered him a "leader" and 45 percent said he was a "bully."

    In a separate question, the survey also asked participants to pick from a list of words they think best describes the governor. With 185 votes, the word "Bully" came in first. The others include:

  • Arrogant - 75 voters;
  • Tough - 50 voters;
  • Honest - 43 voters;
  • Good - 41 voters;
  • Aggressive - 38 voters.
  • In a separate question, the survey also asked participants to pick from a list of words they think best describes the governor. With 185 votes, the word "Bully" came in first. The others include:

  • Arrogant - 75 voters;
  • Tough - 50 voters;
  • Honest - 43 voters;
  • Good - 41 voters;
  • Aggressive - 38 voters.