Turkey Day TV Marathons

From Election Gridlock To Holiday Vegging: Turkey Day TV Marathons

Nov. 20, 2012 -- intro: It's finally safe to turn on your television. Political campaign ads have disappeared (but hope you like holiday shopping ones).

For the past 12 months we've been bombarded with campaign news, attack ads, and relentless rhetoric but now that the election season is over, we figure all of our politically-swelled brains could use a rest.

So as we take a break for a moment from "legitimate rape" "the 47 percent" and Obamacare this Thanksgiving season, ABC News wants you to kick back, relax and enjoy some mind-numbing holiday TV.

Here is a look at some of TV marathons you can catch while preparing for or recovering from that Thanksgiving meal.

Get more pure politics at ABCNews.com/Politics and a lighter take on the news at OTUSNews.com

quicklist:1title:ESPN Classic text:This may be the one channel playing all day in the Romney house. "Friday Night Lights," the show about Texas football from which Mitt Romney took his campaign slogan, "Clear eyes. Full hearts. Can't lose," will be running all day on ESPN Classic. Then again, maybe he doesn't want to be reminded that he DID lose.

quicklist:2title:SOAPnet text:"General Hospital" fans took to Twitter last Wednesday to express their displeasure with President Obama's press conference interrupting their program. Good news for them. SOAPnet will air a five-hour marathon of "General Hospital." The marathon starts at 7 p.m.ET on Thanksgiving Day.

quicklist:3title: WPIXtext:WPIX is expected to air their Thanksgiving staple, The March of the Wooden Soldiers at Thursday, Nov. 22 at 9 a.m.

quicklist:4title:ABC Familytext:ABC Family will air post-dinner back-to-back showings of "The Blind Side."

quicklist:5title:National Geographictext:Wicked Tuna (reality show about tuna fisherman) and Untamed America (exploration show) are good for outdoorsy types. Or indoor types who wish they were outdoorsy. Both are playing in mini-marathons on NatGeo.

quicklist:6title: Food Networktext: During prime turkey cooking hours of 10 a.m.4 p.m., Food Network will air "Restaurant Impossible."

quicklist:7title:A&Etext:"The First 48" – a show about solving murders – might not work if you are loaded up on turkey and have a weak stomach for graphic homicide reenactments. But A&E is airing a marathon all day.

quicklist:8title: HGTVtext:Along with socialized healthcare, Canada is the proud homeland of real estate twins Jonathan and Drew Scott, whose two home buying/remodeling shows "Property Brothers" and "Buying and Selling," will be running mini-marathons.

quicklist:9title:TV Landtext:The nostalgia channel will be serving up perfect shows for wholesome family fun and naps. Catch mini-marathons of "Leave It to Beaver," "I Love Lucy" and the "Andy Griffith Show."

quicklist:10title:Bravo TV text:If all your in-laws and cousins in your house are making you feel claustrophobic, escape with an afternoon marathon of "Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles" to see how the space-gifted live.

quicklist:11title:SYFY Channeltext:For those who enjoy their Thanksgiving shaken, not stirred, SYFY will air its annual James Bond Movie Marathon starting at 9 a.m.

quicklist:12title: OWNtext:Oprah's network, OWN, will air a marathon of "Main Street Mysteries," about true crime.