Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels backs Romney in GOP primary

— -- Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels formally endorsed Mitt Romney's presidential bid Wednesday, becoming the latest high profile Republican lawmaker to back the party's presumptive nominee.

Daniels had previously declined to endorse a candidate, though he made no secret of his desire to see New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie launch a presidential run. The former Bush administration official had also explored his own 2012 bid, only to bow out last year out of concerns about the impact of a race on his family.

"Mitt Romney has earned our party's nomination and now deserves the support of every American still committed to government that serves the people rather than rules over them," Daniels said in a statement announcing his support.

Citing the risk of "ruinous debts" and "anti-enterprise policies" on the country's future, Daniels said Romney "understands what's at stake" and will help "restore the American dream."

"I'll do whatever I'm asked to help him," Daniels said.

The Indiana governor's support comes just a day after two other high profile Republicans who had been neutral in the race—House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell—announced their backing of Romney in the race.

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