Obama reveals his favorite Girl Scout cookie (spoiler: Thin Mints)

— -- He can kiss the Tagalong voters goodbye. President Barack Obama on Monday revealed that his favorite Girl Scout Cookies are Thin Mints—an announcement that generated a boo or two from a rowdy crowd at a town hall-style rally in Cincinnati.

After questions on gay rights, environmental protection and how he planned to help small businesses, Obama took a question from a young girl named Julie, who piped up with "what's your favorite Girl Scout cookie?"

"I've got to say, this is one of the toughest questions," the president said. "I've got to say I'm pretty partial to those mint, uh…" Most of the crowd laughed, clapped and cheered, but at least one person booed.

"That's just me! I didn't meant to create controversy.  Did you hear there was somebody booing?" Obama said with a chuckle. He located the boo-er and said, "You had a different opinion. What are you, oatmeal?" Peanut butter, came the answer. "Peanut butter is quite good too, but I'm going with the mint," the president replied.

(Thin Mints account for 25 percent of Girl Scout cookie sales, ahead of Samoas/Caramel deLites with 19 percent and Peanut Butter Patties/Tagalongs with 13 percent, according to the Girl Scouts.)

In another exchange, Obama politely but firmly turned down barbershop owner Tony White's request to cut his hair. "You know that you would not want a president who was disloyal to his barber," Obama declared. "I mean, a man and his barber, that's a strong connection. So I am not going to let you cut my hair because my barber would be hurt."